Sunday 3 May 2015

Mothers Day at Kindy Red

Today Reeve's class invited all the Mothers to stay for a special pamper session in celebration of Mother's Day. Before the activities were explained we sat and observed the children sing their morning song "Good Morning Mr Rooster". They took a roll call and then figured out the day and date for today. It was interesting to see Reeve interact. His little voice strained as he proudly sang the words. He continually looked back to me for an encouraging wink or thumbs up. 
For mothers day there were different stations that allowed to kids to paint nails, apply makeup, style hair, create jewelry, and paint a mothers portrait. Reeve was so excited as we stopped at each table and he took control of making me feel special and loved. From carefully selecting different colours for my nails to making sure I checked the mirrors as he did my makeup Reeve was so kind and nurturing. His answer to the questionnaire "about mum" were hilarious and his explanation of cooking spaghetti in his class cookbook was even funnier. As he painted my portrait he asked me to pose with my fingers in a peace sign, he was meticulous about which colours to use and explained each stroke to me. We sat together and beaded a new anklet for me to wear everyday. His fine motor skills are really improving. I was impressed with his confidence. As his personality develops I just can't help but feel excited about who he is becoming!
It was a great morning and as Reeve ate my chocolate muffin he looked up at me and smiled, saying "I love Mother's Day!". Me too son.. Me too!

the finished product

my new anklet

apparantly im 400yrs old and drink coffee

Kindy cookbook designed by the kids

Reeve's take on my spaghetti... interesting!

YW's and Micah's baptism

Late last year I was asked to fill in for Young Women's a few times and got to know Micah Rogers (13) and Te Whenua Erickson (12). They were the only young women in our branch who actively participate in the program. When i heard that Micah was not a member and was to be baptized i decided to go and support Micah on her special day. It was a beautiful service and Micah was happy and her bright bubbly self. After the baptism was finished President Pilkington asked to meet with me in his office where he extended me the call of Young Women's President. I had a flood of mixed emotions. On one hand i felt excited at the prospects of helping these gorgeous girls, and on the other hand i was terrified and felt completely under qualified for the responsibility. I immediately decided to accept the invitation and called Erana Halls as my 1st Councillor. What a God send Erana has proven to be. Our program would not run as beautifully or as creatively without her amazing gifts and talents. I feel so blessed to work with her and learn from her.Erna is a gentle soul.
Our very first activity was to bake and drop cookies off to our less active friends. the 2 girls enjoyed themselves and India loved feeling like a big girl when she was allowed to join in on the fun.

I feel like our little presidency is enjoying the opportunity to work with building faith amid an amazing group of young women. Since my call last year we have witnessed the numbers double with the addition of the Dimitrov family. Sonja (15) and Deanna (15), who are the sisters of Serena Grant, have breathed new life in our girls and add to the fun and tenacious times we share each week in both Sunday lessons and Mutual activities. We recently called Noeline Palalangi as 2nd Councillor. Again, I am humbled to work with Noeline, who has a wealth of gospel knowledge and an incredibly strong spirit. I  truly love the girls and feel a strong sense of responsibility to help them discover how to become the best version of themselves as they face the many challenges that beset the youth of this time. It is a blessing to me to understand that they are teaching me much more than i could offer to teach them.

 A few of our activities thus far...
 the hidden Walrus
 the YW made this for a activity with
 locally sourced wood, shells and hot glue guns!

 The gorgeous Erana!

Sonja and Micah rockin the mike
 Singstar battles at Erana's

 Sleep over Shenanigans 

 more dress ups

 a Native Sonja looking uber cool!

 Photo shoot from our sleep over
(Me, Deanna, Serena, Bella, Micah, Sonja, Te Whenua, & Erana)

 Micah and Deanna stole my phone and left a dozen selfies.