Sunday 21 October 2012



You have been a 2 year old for 1 month already. Time really does prove to be fleeting as our lives continue to develop. Your days are also my days son. we are writing this story together and it's genre can be defined on any given day. Your birthday proved to be a mixture of comedy and heartfelt drama. Granny and Pop had arrived with Uncle Joe the night before your special day and this ushered into our home, an added measure of love and energy. You celebrated with a small gathering of your friends and family. You ate cake, played pass the parcel, received gifts, and smiled hard. It was a great day.

You love Juice and your bottle.
You love motorbikes. and trucks. and planes. and trains.
You love your Dad the most.
You are learning to share. 
You love to kiss and give The Best hugs!
You love to be naked.
You love Shaun the Sheep & Timmy Time. You call them both Baa.
You also love to watch Mr Maker.and have recently discovered craft.
You are left handed.
You are starting to like books.
You do not like bedtime.
You are "talking" more. I am trying my hardest to understand!
You prefer sweet over savoury.
You love to be tickled.

This past year has seen you change. You are still the same loveable boy you have been since your arrival, but you are getting older. This is to be expected. It is the natural order of life. But that does little to appease my discomfort as I comprehend the time that has past and cannot be retrieved. You will never be this age again. This time in your life is precious. It is a hard stage for us both. I find myself wishing you older some days. I think it is more the frustration I feel as I watch you struggle with language and your inability to express yourself. More than wishing away this time together i so desperately wish for your success and your peace. I love you. I have always loved you as much as i do now. As you grow I better understand the way you operate. Your likes. Your dislikes. Your fears. Your talents. These elements are ones we are learning and recording as we go. But from the moment i laid eyes on those 2 lines of the pregnancy test, confirming your existence within me, I have loved you with a Love that has only met its equal in your Sister. You are divine. Don't ever believe anything else.

Love Mama xxx


Your birthday cakes: