Sunday 23 June 2013

Despicable Me but Delightful Reeve

India had school on Friday and so I decided to take Reeve to the movies for his very first time! Some friends were going to the 10 o'clock viewing of  Despicable Me 2 and we tagged along.
I was nervous because I didn't know what Reeve would be like. He is generally good at sitting on the couch at home for the most part of a movie but it doesn't really matter if he climbs all over the couch. The movie theater with other paying patrons is another story. Much to my delight reeve did well. He sat for majority of the film (which was hilarious!!) and was very much engaged with the content. Laughing at the appropriate times and even roaring at a monster when other children shrieked. There was some climbing however. It was to visit his new friend Tommy and so I was happy to let him make his way down a row to share some popcorn and playtime.
He did so well that Kent and I decided to go again on Saturday and take India too. We had a family date day and the kids were thrilled! Reeve was a little more rambunctious the second time around but the theater was packed and I think the collective energy of the room charged him up a little.
All in all I was very proud of Reeve and excited to have another option for a family activity (or sneaky movie during the week with my special little guy!)


Australia has just made it into the 2014 World Cup. Kent and I watched the game together and it took until the 83rd minute of the match to secure our place. Lately there has been much excitement about soccer in our home. 

My friend Kim told me about this soccer class she was attending with her son (and Reeve's bestie) Taco. I decided to take Reeve along and instantly he loved it; to my surprise India did too. Along with Taco, the kids go every week with their cousins Noah and Jacob. I am encouraged to see the children form stronger bonds of friendship and solidarity as they learn and play together.

The coach's name is Jimmy. He is an Englishman and very good at his job. Reeve just loves him and always wants to be next to him during the different drills. As the weeks have gone by Reeve has decided to pick and choose when he wants to join in. He particularly loves rolling the hoola hoops and trying to catch them, as well as the obstacle course. 

India is loving all of the class. She is eager to do well and listens carefully to instructions. India is one of the only girls in the class and is also one of the oldest. She has shown a talent for soccer and it is a joy to watch her happy disposition bouncing around the court. She loves when i pretend to be a crocodile and chase her.

It is interesting and entertaining to see how my little ones approach each task. India is precise and cautious. Reeve is rough with reckless abandon! It casts a light onto how they approach life in general. 
I look forward to watching them grow and learn and play. 

Saturday 15 June 2013


 (me & my mum)

At this stage of my life I find my days are filled with crafts, cuddles, cleaning spills, cutting crusts, kissing foreheads, administering medicines, food shops, snacks, school runs, washing, daydreams, dishes, sheet changes, nappies, bath time, storybooks... The list is continually growing.

It is a demanding time for me. I am on call 24 hours a day. Each night I fall asleep, uncertain of when my human alarm clocks will sound, signaling that I am wanted in some capacity.

I feel desperately inadequate. I would have never made it through the first round of interviewing if Motherhood was a "profession" and yet here I am; a Mother. I would not want to be anything else. I fight my way through each day striving to be the caregiver God put me on this earth the be, striving to be the mother my children deserve.

Children have made me question many things in life. But of one truth I can be sure... I am wanted.

 I am wanted and I would rather be wanted than not.