Sunday 13 November 2011

A letter to the Future

Dear Georgia - 20 years from now,

I wish for your wisdom and your heinsight...

Please send me some comfort; a sign that my babes are still thriving?! A safety line for me to cling to in times of doubt & plain fear...
Please give me a sign that these are the best years and it would do me well to savour these infant  moments and not look to the future with such fierce earnest. Remind me that this stage is vital for all our growth and the hardest yards are yet to come... even though it feels really hard now

Do you remember the balm of Reeve's crown? I wish I could bottle that sweetness and store it for a time when I may need filling up.

Do you remember the way India laughs with her whole body, an yet reserves a portion of sound in the base of  her throat? I wish I could store that resonance in my ear for the times when the silence seems loud.

I hope you are happy and have learnt to forgive and to love yourself.

Georgia - today

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Somewhere Safe

Indi gave us both a mighty scare yesterday morning.
We were getting ready to shower and get dressed for the day. India had been playing with a diamante, that had fallen off her crown, all morning and had named it Sparkles. As she was undressing I had told her to put Sparkles somewhere safe, knowing all the too well the fit Indi would throw if the precious gem went missing.
At that moment Baxter rang from work to see how our morning was progressing. I was relating some events the day had brought when Indi frantically began inserting her finger into her nose and declaring
It took a second for me to comprehend that IT was her cherished sparkle and her nose was IT's tomb. I quickly ended my phone conversation with a short "I've got to go" and immediately began trying to calmly convince Indi to allow me to insert a pair of tweezers into her nasal cavity. India has never been good with anything resembling a medical procedure. I can barely make reference to a doctors appointment without an onslaught of anxious questions and furrowed brows. I was reasonably worried at how this would play out!
After multiple naive attempts at extraction, 2 distressed phone calls to Baxprayer and numerous tears, Indi sneezed and sparkles made a grand appearance. I seized the diamante from the grip of  Indi's nostril with unscaled relief and asked Indi what on earth had possessed her to put sparkles there in the first place. She simply replied, with all the tenderness of her wounded heart...
"you told me to put it somewhere safe..."

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Reeve is a climber... an avid climber

I am constantly moving furniture in a barren attempt to discourage his new found love of heights. Granted the window sill is no Everest; it is, however, the gateway drug and Reeve is hooked 

Despite a scoreboard that reads -
Reeve 5 Mum 0  
- this game of musical furniture is not over yet. Your move son.

Monday 24 October 2011

today i need a little patience...

Toilet training Indi has resumed for the last time...
.... it's now or never.                

The Circus

The circus has come to town.
I took the opportunity to take India to her first ever circus experience. We went with Sarah and Harry, Belinda and Vienna, and 2 of Belinda's nieces. It was a fun afternoon out with friends and I feel really blessed to have such wonderful people in my life and uplifting the life of my children.

We ate fairy floss and ice cream, rode on ponies and played games. We watched people fly through the air, contortionists twist and puppies do tricks. Needless to say Indi loved it.

It was hot under the big tent but it didn't seem to phase India who held her sweaty little face to mine and exclaimed "Oh Mum, Thank you so much for bringing me to this wonderful circus."

true love

Nothing encourages me like the sound of these two laughing and loving together

Tuesday 27 September 2011


  your 11 pound mass waiting patiently within my womb...

 your first bath at just 3 hours old...

 age 1!

Dear Reeve,

Tomorrow you turn1! This past year really has gone by so quickly; many times I have had to catch my breath as I wonder how you got so big, grew so fast, learnt so much. And yet I have been here the whole time… watching you, loving you, kissing on those big cheeks. The ones I feared would fade away as you grew, but that still give cushion to your beautiful face. You look like your Father and his Father. You look just like your sister did at this age too.

You can clearly say Mum, Dad, naanaa (banana), and this. You fill in the gaps with jibberish. You dance to music and will not fall to sleep without it. You still won’t sleep through the night.You suffer night terrors and end up sleeping with us every night. Your night terrors scare me too honey!

You walked at 10 months and never looked back. You literally got up one day and began taking steps. No matter how many times you fell down, you just kept getting back up. You are brave that way. You climb and explore and regardless of the physical harm you do to yourself (I’m talking lots of bruised cheeks and bumped heads) your curiosity gets the better of you. You have incredible strength; I truly believe you could beat me in an arm wrestle. You love to pull hair and slap bare skin. A little rough and tumble, brute of a boy, who loves to cuddle! You will literally throw your arms around necks and cuddle deep into chests. You show tenderness beyond your years… well, beyond your one single year!

How can one year be so miniscule in the timeline of eternity and yet the entire span of your life to date? A landmark for your life, a rite of passage into toddler-dom. A blink of an eye and my new born is gone. In his place you stand, with a ravenous appetite for life and for fruit. This past year has been joyous and hard. It has been a year of growth, not only for you my sweet child, but for your mama as well. I will love you beyond the end of time and pray that no matter how many times in this life you fall down; you will continue to get back up.

Love always,
yo Mama xxx

the construction site cake i made for you...

Sunday 25 September 2011


the day before you were born...

the day after you were born...

your 3rd birthday!!!

Dear India,

I have seen many changes in you this past year. You have made a smooth transition from toddler to girl and from single child to big sister. You are tall for your age and you speak well. People will often tell me they forget just how young you really are, because you do not act your "age". I am guilty of raising my expectations of your abilities also… and still you thrive. You have risen to meet those expectations and you have begun to set them for yourself.

You take dance classes on a Friday and excel wherever music is involved. You are smart, you are so smart. Whether it is a promise made a month ago or an entire verse to a song; you will remember it. You figured out how to use the iPhone before I did and you love to play the PS3 with your Dad. You are creative with your hands and your mind. You love to paint and make up stories. You love icy-poles and sweeties but struggle to find the same fondness for any green vegetable (except cucumber). You love spaghetti and fruit. You still have a bottle and rub the back of your fist along my neck/chin as you fall off to sleep. You still won’t sleep through the night.

You came into this world screaming; with reluctant and dramatic force. You live each day in a like manner! You have sass… you have spunk… you have attitude. What amuses me in your infancy I fear in your youth but I hold onto the hope that you will continue to be head strong for the right causes, an advocate for good. You are a force to be reckoned with my girl; A hurricane of kisses and kindness. You love as fiercely as you fight and have proven that your bark and your bite are the same. I am proud to have a child who says what she means and means what she says… and the things you say make me laugh and cry and fill me up to over-flowing.

Happy 3rd Birthday India.
I love you so very much!!!

Love Mum xxx

 The mermaid cake I made for you...

 I hope all your wishes come true!!!

Monday 5 September 2011

High Thai Times

It's been along time coming but here it is...
I really do have the most amazing husband and in-laws ever! when I first approached Bax about a possible 10 day getaway, in which it would be only me getting away with a friend, I was expecting to be told a big fat resounding "no" or more accurately            

" Have you lost your mind? NO!"

Maybe it's because that's what I would have said, but mostly it's because Bax really is amazing, I was pleasently suprised when his actual response was more along the lines of:

"Go. You deserve some time to recharge. Enjoy it and take lots of photos."

And just like that I booked my flights to Thailand. I won't bore you with every glorious detail of my trip but here are a few things I cant help but brag about and experiences I won't ever forget.

 old mate trying to get a glimpse of Aims :)

AMAZING food! 


Ferry rides

 pineapple boats


Climbing all 1,237 steps of the Tiger Cave Temple!!! 

 Have I mentioned amazing food!?



the general scenery...

floral ninja...

meeting new people...

Phi Phi Island...

 fruit smoothies!

A massive thank you to Alex, Stacey, and Grandma for caring and loving my babes so completely in my absence and making this trip a reality for me.
A massive thanks to Aimee for coming along for the ride and keeping me honest and upright in my travels!
But the most massive thank you to Bax, for everything! I really am the luckiest little girl in the world!