Wednesday 23 September 2015

India turns 7

Dear India,
I tucked you into bed tonight and read you a special poem that your Grandma had sent me to read to you. It read:
When I have said my evening prayer,
And my clothes are folded on the chair,
And mother switches off the light,
I’ll still be __ years old tonight.
But from the very break of day,
Before the children rise and play,
Before the darkness turns to gold,
Tomorrow, I’ll be __ years old.
__ kisses when I wake,
__ candles on my cake.
We reread it again and again and filled in the blanks with 6’s and 7’s. And we practiced for when we would read it to Reeve in 5 sleeps time for his special day too. You began to cry. I asked you why you were upset and you told me it was because you were sad about growing up too fast. You said you wished you were turning 3 again and pined to be 3 forever. I asked you what it was about being 3 that made you miss it so much. You told me it was because you were free. At first I wondered what you meant by that, but tonight as I sit here and write you this birthday letter I think I know exactly what you mean. You have always been a beautiful hurricane, spiraling inward and upward. You are powerful and emotional.  And your feelings are big like a storm. When you are learning and gathering you seem frenzied but just like the eye of the storm you are calm in the middle of this process. I am often left in your wake as you reach new conclusions or find deeper understandings. Tonight you felt heavy because you miss a time when you were home with me every day, and we could paint or cook, read books or nap. Your brother was still little enough to adore you and be your captive audience without asserting his own spin. I think you realized that growing up means losing some of the freedoms that childhood innocence allows. It breaks my heart to know that you can already grasp this concept of being homesick for time well spent. But it also fills me with awe as I see your old soul growing with insight. You are a deep thinker. You are smart and you work hard at your goals. If you can master these two gifts, intellect and persistence, than anything is possible for your life sweetheart. You are worthy of all the good things, even when you fall short. Making mistakes is really hard for you to cope with, but it is also really important. Its ok to make mistakes so long as you learn from them and fail up.
You have learnt a lot this past year. I have been impressed with your transition into the big kid section of school. Year One is going extremely well. You love your teachers Miss Pearson and Mrs McComb. I feel blessed to have had these strong, kind women to help shape your view of this world and yourself. Keep working hard Indi, you are worth the effort you put in.
You have lost 6 baby teeth and had your first visit to the dentist. You were a little anxious before but handled the whole experience very well. I think not needing any work done and the sticker helped ease you into it. Perfect teeth! You also had your first xrays on your wrist for a suspected fractured hand/wrist. You had to wear a brace for 2 weeks but all results came back clear of a break. You handled all these medical procedures with courage and I think you are beginning to overcome some of your phobias regarding medical/clinical things so that is progress.
You have made new friendships at Millars Well Primary School, even though you desperately miss your Madeley girls and talk about them often. Your closest school friends are Jorja, Abigail, Rosie, Alyssa, and Miss Jessica Day. Jess was your first school friend in Karratha and I love that you are still making your friendship work even though you have been in different classes and have strong personalities. Your friends have all told me how excited they are for your party, this is because you are an exceptional friend. You are very thoughtful of others. You are generous, compassionate and kind. You have made a mini BFF in our little Choggy bub. (always remember “India, a Buuuuub!”). you are a good friend to your church friends too and such a good carer of the babies. You will make a great babysitter one day just like Sonja!
You still love to create dances and performances and recently won a merit award at school for your efforts in your class play for assembly. You did a great job Indi and I believe this is one of your talents. It makes you feel good when you make others feel happy and laugh, whether it be from a joke you tell, a prank you pull, or a dance off. Don’t let your fear of what other people think of you stop you from reaching your highest heights! You have a talent and I hope that as you grow and resources become available you can develop those talents. You have a beautiful singing voice and love music. We dance in the kitchen a lot and you tell me when I get too crazy or my singing is terrible J one of your favourite songs right now is Whip Nae Nae. You also like to make up dances to Annie’s “Hard Knock Life” jayZ version.
You still love Animals and would like to maybe be a Vet when you grow up.. or help rescue endangered animals. This shows you value life and your compassionate nature would be well suited to your current vocational aspirations.
You told me tonight that my body was soft, just like your plush toy and that’s ok; because there will be hard days and there will be good days I want you to know that I will always be a safe, soft place for you to land. I love you India. You have taught me the most about who I am, what I am capable of, and who I want to become. Your brother and you are my greatest teachers; you hold up my clearest mirrors, and I will love you forever with a love that cannot die. It is unconditional and helps me to understand the nature of God a little more.
Do not worry so much sweetheart. Growing up is a gift that we should cherish. Let’s learn together how to be present in the moments we are blessed with; let the good soak into our bones and the bad roll off our backs and let’s never stop dancing!
Love always,
 Mama xoxo