Monday 23 May 2011

Rainy days

What do we do when outside looks like this...

We bake... 

and we bake some more...

we gaze longingly out the window...

we paint pictures...

and we paint nails...

we laze around...

we watch tv...

and when things get desperate we even plank...

We spend most of our time stumbling through mess and tears and laughter and tantrums... the list goes on for days. It's no small feat to be the mother of small children. They contain multitudes and it requires patience beyond that which I have; Strength beyond the measure of my own; and a love that is equalled only by God
Therefore I find myself praying alot and I have adopted this mantra -
"never give up what you want most...
                                 ...for what you want at the moment"

What I want most is to be the kind of mother who talks things through calmly, even when i know yelling yields a faster response! I want to reason with my children, even when they cannot and I am really having to reason with myself. I want to discipline and not hit or spank my way to results. And what I want most of all is to follow the councel of Brigham Young and "never chasten beyond the balm {you} I have to bind up".
On the days where i struggle with the weight of the responsibilities that are interwoven with my motherly mantle I thank the heavens for rainy days.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Life really is a Beach...

Last Saturday Bax and I took the little ones to the beach for a play with some cousins and friends. It was great to catch up and I enjoyed watching the fun unfold... and obviously the jet-ski helped with that!

 Rick - the driver





watching from the sidelines

a few of the beach goers






Levi and Aus
but my highlight {beside the jet-ski} was watching India laugh as she chased a seagull...


seagull ---->




we Love the beach...

Is it just me, or do you ever feel like your life revolves around laundry?!

although I must admit... I do love to see all those little clothes hung out to dry!

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Knock Knock...

India loves knock knock jokes in a big way! 'Yo Gabba Gabba' once had Kenneth give this knock knock joke

" knock knock..."
   "Who's there?"
            "Cargo Who?"
                "Car go beep beep!"

Hilarious right?! well India has loved knock knock jokes ever since, only the punch line isn't necessarily all that funny. And for some reason India's favourite knock knock joke is this:

" knock knock..."
   "Who's there?"
            "Cargo Who?"
                "Cargo  {insert anything - absolutely anything}!"

Maybe it's because she's only 2yrs old, or maybe she is destined to have a left-of-centre funny bone, but for some reason unbeknownst to me this gets her laughing every. single. time... which gets Reeve laughing... which eventually gets me laughing and i can just see her little mind screaming "Nailed it!" as we all giggle together.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Baby PHAT Yoga

Cobra pose

I got a gym membership for Christmas. I've lost 15kg, as well as 10kg on the day of Reeve's arrival, which is a total weight loss of 25kg since September 2010. I know it sounds like alot but i still have a ways to go. As part of my exercise regime I've been going to a Body Balance class at least once a week... its a mixture of Yoga, Thai-Chi & Pilates. it is supposed to help strengthen body and mind... but I've hit the wall and lately all I feel is the gravity of my left over "baby weight" pressing heavily in the back of my mind, and against my belt as I sit and write this :) I had a 2 week break over the Easter period {BIG MISTAKE} and I've been in a funk ever since. 
so I've set myself 2 goals :

       1. lose 20kg by Christmas


                  2. no more chocolate until Christmas Day

I'm making myself accountable by posting this publicly... it's the kick in the still oversized pants i need to see this through to the end! And besides, there's only so long I can convince myself that De La Soul's "Baby Phat" was written just for me!

A special shout out to Reeve for some much needed moral support :) Show 'em how it's done boy !!!

downward dog pose

locust pose

cobra pose

cat pose